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Worker with Ladder

Social Media: where to create content
(find out where it pays to create content for high ROI)

The danger of falling into the trap of the 'social media content treadmill'.


If you work in marketing or e-commerce, you have probably also found yourself in this situation, in which most content creators find themselves: we are focused on creating new content for the wrong platforms. We spend our days publishing endless content on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

We do our best, every day with ideas we think are great, but it never seems to be enough to satisfy the ever-changing social media algorithms.

In other words, we realise we are trapped in an endless treadmill of content creation, which takes us nowhere.


We have to keep publishing fresh and original content on a daily basis in order to maintain our algorithmic achievements and avoid losing the audience we have so painstakingly built.

This is exhausting and unsustainable and can lead to creator burnout.


The problem is that we focus on creating content for platforms that have a very short lifespan and a rather low ROI.

Social networks are great for distributing our content and ideas to new audiences, always hoping that one of them will go viral.

But if we are not careful how we execute it, instead of using social media for our goals, social media might end up using us for theirs.


The secret to becoming a social media master is to understand which platforms you should focus most of your attention on. And in order to do this, we must first differentiate platforms between those with low ROI (where content has a short life) and those with high ROI (where content has a longer life). 


Let us explain this concept better with a concrete example: if we publish a tweet, it can be shown to others for a couple of days; on the other hand, if we publish an article or blog post, it can generate traffic for us for the next two years!

This is a huge difference in ROI! In one case we are talking about days, while in the other we are talking about years...


As a content creator, you have limited time and a limited number of ideas, so it is not worth publishing on all platforms with no logic to follow. Better to prioritise content creation for high ROI platforms first; and what are these platforms? Well, if you grasped the example above, you will already be able to answer. Anyway, let's talk about:


  • Your blog - thanks to the power of SEO, a single blog post can rank and attract huge traffic for a long time.

  • YouTube - YouTube is known to recommend videos from a couple of years ago in its sidebar or search results. If you create a great video, it can continue to receive views for several years.


The beauty of these high ROI platforms is that you only do the work once to create the content, but then it can continue to generate traffic for many years.


This is in direct contrast to low ROI platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and Facebook.

Although these platforms are great for their viral potential, the posts you make on them only last a couple of days (unless the content goes viral, in which case you may continue to receive views for months). .


If you want your content creation to be sustainable and enjoyable, you should focus most of your efforts on creating content with a high ROI. And only later on, you can leverage the same content to publish it on platforms with a lower ROI and increase your coverage and exposure (but this would involve recycling the content, which would definitely take less time).


Reusing content you have already created is also very important because on the one hand it takes a huge load off your shoulders and on the other hand it helps you achieve your goals, so if you have written a blog article or published a (quality) YouTube video, don't waste it and reuse it for the platforms with the lowest ROI, as we have just explained. Here are some practical techniques:


  • Publish the same article from your blog also on online article websites such as Medium (using backlinks to direct you to your main blog as a good source for SEO).

  • Use only the main points of the article to create another video and republish it on YouTube, perhaps as a short film (to get more coverage) and also on Instagram Reels (longer) and Tiktok.

  • Rewrite your blog post with ChatGPT and publish it on LinkedIn (as I just did on my profile).

  • Turn the article into a long sentence with a hook effect and publish it on Twitter.

  • Capture screenshots of the Twitter tweet and create a carousel for Instagram and LinkedIn.

  • Extract the audio from your video and publish it as an episode of a podcast.


If you do all this, you will end up with at least 10 pieces of valuable content that you can use on different social media platforms and only one piece of new content to work with (ok... still some time, but definitely less than creating different content for each platform).



If you want to try this technique, my recommendation is to focus on a few platforms first (you don't have to reuse content for all the low ROI ones).

As your business grows and you need to be present on more platforms to fill the market, you can reuse content for all platforms and even hire someone else to do it for you.

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