(find out how to appear on the first pages of Google to increase your traffic)

Statistically, more than 90 per cent of visitors to any web page arrive via search engines; moreover, according to Google, 75 per cent of people who perform an online search go no further than the first page of results. These two figures leave no room for doubt: without good positioning in Google, it is impossible to achieve optimal results for your online business.
At Consulting Ad Hoc, we can help you analyse and correct all SEO-related aspects in order to optimise the positioning of your website/ecommerce in Google to appear in the top positions and beat your competition.
Specifically, we will focus on:
- creation of fresh and original valuable content within the site (if you want BLOG articles, we make them for you)
- improving title tags, meta-description tags and positioning keywords
- indexing your website
- planning strategy to obtain free backlinks

One of the most characteristic elements of SEO is that we can act on it in two different ways: an internal one, also called OnPage SEO, and an external one called OffPage SEO.
Translated into practical terms, this means that in order to help improve the Google ranking of our website, it is first necessary to act on certain internal elements of the website, such as content, titles, internal links, images, structure and other small, apparently very technical and complex expedients (if seen without adequate guidance), but which in reality only require methodical work and time to put into practice (time which obviously varies depending on the size and complexity of the site, as it is different to act, for example, on a single-product ecommerce and a multi-product ecommerce).
Secondly, one must work on external elements, which are the referral links, which have a greater impact, but normally take longer than the former for a few reasons:
Google is not equally quick to pick up on changes in internal site structure and external links back to one's own site.
Normally, one of the most important parts at the level of external links is the creation of valuable content and the process of contacting sites and blogs that are willing to publish this content or refer to it on their pages. This process is not at all easy, due to the strong competition on the Internet in terms of content and the difficulty of finding the right sites/blogs for one's market.
Even in this case, however, there are various tools and strategies one can follow that help speed up this process, contributing to a better ranking in Google and, consequently, to more free traffic to one's website.